Why is Kickboxing Great for Teens in Westchase Florida
I have worked with teens for over 30 years with great results! It’s a time of mental and physical growth as well as a time of change and confusion. So, why do I feel that Martial Arts training is so important for teens?
First, a busy kid is a happy kid. Martial arts training demands at least three to four hours a week possibly more. Teenagers surrounded by other positive goal orientated men and women will help them achieve success in whatever goal they might have for themselves. The goals could be anywhere from just losing weight or getting toned up to becoming a high level competitive athlete. Being in a disciplined environment leads to self discipline. Self discipline leads to achievements. Achieving makes everyone confident and happy. There are many goals to be had and many ways to achieve them. Most people don’t realize the positive affects training has on personal relationships with family, friends and school grades. It’s one of the fantastic side effects of a kickboxing program. Why would martial arts improve a kids GPA? Martial arts is all about discipline. Discipline leads to self discipline. When you have self discipline you can control your body and your mind. Constant repetition of movements transfer into increased focus and concentration in all areas of life…especially, academics. Imagine how happy parents and the kids themselves were to see there grades improve while getting physically fit at the same time.
We talked about fitness and the mental attributes of kickboxing…but, of course there is the self defense aspect of martial arts. A kid that can defend themself is a kid that can confidently walk away from a physical altercation. They can walk away or defuse a bad situation to where as someone who doesn’t know self defense might not.
In conclusion, there are so many reasons to start your teenager in some type of martial arts program. As always I recommend watching or trying out a class and get a feel of the program you are looking into. Good luck!